Youth Has No Age
What a time to be alive. This past week has made me realize that you truly are young only once. As much fun as it is to go out with friends, I have found that taking a step back to appreciate these times is so important.

Right now I am growing spiritully and emotionally every day. This thought didn’t hit me until just a few days ago when I was in McDonald's with a bunch of friends at 4 A.M. chowing down on cheeseburgers and laughing at literally nothing. Moments like this make me...
not take life for granted as well as 
not eat 10,000 calories in one serving!"
Something I have learned is that youth has no age. I have noticed that I am trying so hard to grow up fast that I’m not taking the time to cherish the smallest moments in life. Not only does this make me stress out more, but I also realize that I’m taking those small moments for granted.
Whether you are 60 or you are 20, enjoy where you are in your life and take what life is offering at that moment and make it into something good.
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