That Time Of Year
Recap + Reset
I think for many of us we are constantly trying to plan what's next in our life, whether it's a career, relationship, or our mental stability. Lately, I have been with friends who have shared with me more about their lives and their anxieties. After listening to several people, I realized that perhaps the feelings I am having are completely normal. The question then becomes how best to manage our thoughts and actions to be emotionally strong.
To maintain my sanity, I counter any difficult/negative life events by enjoying and remembering wonderful/great memories. This seems the best way to go on and live my life.
I have read and listened to many books, podcasts aka (Tim Ferriss), and shows etc. that talk about this issue and most of them recommend to “Let go the past, live your present and surrender your future”.
When that feeling as if the world is crumbling around you, transform those negative thoughts into a permanent positive attitude.


That’s what practicing MINDFULNESS is all about!

40+ days until graduation for myself and other students all around the world. As we enter this new chapter, we need to reflect on all the irreplaceable memories that got us this far.
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