The Holidays
Always grateful for friends and family 
Having the opportunity to go back home during the holidays is something I unnoticeably taken for granted. This past holiday season made me realize that wherever you are in the world the people you have grown up with and been there for you from the beginning can your back bone in life.
Since going away to college,  I have noticed that generally most college students don’t stay in touch with their friends from grade school. This   makes sense. People grow up and carve out their own journeys. However, I don’t know how lucky I got to have such a close group of friends (aka brothers and sisters) from elementary, middle and high school. I can call on any of my friends at anytime for absolutely anything.  

My close friend group from  high school consists of around 15 beautiful people. The downside is that everyone in the group is spread out all over the country, as well as overseas. There is not a day that goes by when I’m not talking to at least one or two of them. Being spread out geographically  has made all of us that more intentional to stay close and in touch. It truly is the best support system.
The message here is stay connected to your family and friends.
You are 
stronger together
than doing life alone.!

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