It’s not bad to expect something but the issue is how to balance being in the moment. Some people find it easy to stay in the moment and not think about what the future has to hold.
I have found that happiness is a major variable in all these components. Whenever I try to plan my life too far ahead and where I will be 24/7 it never turns out the way I plan. Why do I repeat this unhealthy habit of living?
Entering the New Year I noticed that I was not myself. These past couple months, I have taken a break from social media and posting on my website. My face started breaking out due to stress and little sleep. The root of this has been me thinking ahead where I will be living this summer? Will I have a summer internship? All these questions have been jockeying for my attention.
Reflecting on all of this, I see that I always default into thinking ahead and having these thoughts of expectations because I am scared and uncomfortable with what is happening in the present. For many of us, it’s very easy to dream and think ahead but it takes more discipline to acknowledge what is happening in the present.
Rather than thinking how happy I will be if the future unfolds the way I plan it in my mind I instead consciously make the decision to be happy in the moment—
Then I choose to be