Dream Big
Getting out of that FUNK!
There is something to be said about how we act or feel when we are overwhelmed and in a funk. During times like this, I feel the need to self-reflect and be grateful for what I have accomplished, and that would go for any of us.
I have been spending more time with friends this past week, and the topics of relationships, future, and self-being have been a common theme. I have noticed how we all our trying to figure out our shit one way or another. One moment, we feel like we “need” to be in a relationship. Another moment, we aren’t happy with how we look at ourselves in a mirror. My resolution to this is:
One way or another everything works out for the best. I do not believe things happen in life for a reason. However, I do believe they happen for some greater purpose. To have big dreams and feel the pressure and anxiety of making these dreams come true is perfectly normal. Take the word “if” and “no” out of your vocabulary when you score that dream job. Never accept a “no” from someone that comes in the way of your aspirations and goals. No one can teach us besides ourselves the importance of being balanced in all facets of our life
“Don't work on always trying to be happy and embrace your emotions as they come in the moment.” I have seen and felt that its ok when we are on a high and a low as well. Always be grateful for what we have in the moment. Sometimes when we have it very good, we forget.